Launch of CCTV system to improve safety and security in KLB PDF Print E-mail

CCTV cameras are now operating in KLB as part of an integrated package of programmes aimed at improving safety and security.

The KLB CCTV system was installed in December and officially launched this year as part of the Bureau’s commitment to address issues of safety and security within the premises.

The Managing Director, Mrs. Eve Obara said the cameras are a practical response to KLB’s concerns about safety and security of her assets and operations.

“We now have the capacity to monitor work and movements so as to enhance our safety, security and efficiency,” she said.

Mrs. Obara made the remarks during the system’s commissioning as she thanked members of the Board for their continued support and commitment to the growth and well being of the Bureau.

The new CCTV system was commissioned on 26th January, 2012 by KLB’s Board of Management, led by Prof. Jesse Mugambi in the presence of senior management and the supplier, Greenberg Holdings Limited.

The system aims to deter crime and anti-social behavior, prevent pilferage and provide general security. The CCTV cameras will offer round the clock surveillance and monitor activities in the Bureau. 


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